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ICOORPS Creative Studio

The Full Story

Izzan aka. IIcoorps creative studio is a 3D artist, motion and sound designer; composer and multi-instrumentalist;
graphic designer and digital illustrator from Indonesia and is 16 years old.

He is deeply inspired by his dad and amazed by Disney Pixar's animations and drawings.

During the first lockdown hehe could do more with his life and he needed to start understanding what he wanted to do, his need of expressing himself brought him to 3D cartoon character design where his talent is allowing him to build a network of young artist like him on the Algorand blockchain.


After The Crypto Gallery discovered his work on Instagram, they struck up a friendly professional
relationship which sees them representing him for exhibitions and connecting him with brands.
They also help him strategise within the NFT market – for example, they facilitated his NFT project Platypus Clubs

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